A Love for Art and Nature

I have always had a love for nature, and for art, forever inspired by great masters throughout history, such as Emily Carr, Caspar David Friedrich, Tom Thomson, Cézanne, Van Gogh, Matisse, and Monet. I strive to give others the same feeling I get while in the presence of these artists’ paintings.


Participated in an artist residency in rural east Iceland, a landscape painters paradise! 🏔


Encouraging and understanding of environmental issues and an awareness of how we as humans impact the environment.

To create beautiful work as a celebration of life and a celebration of the amazing natural world around us.


My work

I simply want to express the sublimity of nature, not for an accurate representation of it, but rather to help the viewer gain an appreciation and understanding of the world around us. Especially as an advocate for environmental awareness in our everyday lives, I want to promote the conservation and protection of our world for generations to come.

Currently, my work focuses on landscapes, mainly trees, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Their beauty, uniqueness, individuality and the inspiration they give is without bounds, and they continuously influence my work. Since I have developed such a love and appreciation for trees, I strive to show others the importance of these natural spaces as well, and help them see nature as I do. Expressing the importance of environmental protection, and advocating for environmental awareness, sustainability, and education, I hope to inspire others to have that desire and want to conserve our environment as much as I do.